As Serious as Cancer
Inspiration Eric B. & Rakim’s “I Ain’t No Joke”
“I gotta question as serious as cancer…” The questions and answers you want and need
A Salute to a King: Chadwick Boseman
1. Straight Facts - Colorectal Cancer and Health Disparities
What is colorectal cancer?
What are the causes?
What are the symptoms?
How is it diagnosed?
How is it treated?
Is it curable?
Is it preventable?
What are health disparities?
What is health equity?
What are the racial disparities in mortality rates for CRC?
Why do health disparities exist?
How do we combat health disparities?
2. Personals -What Can I/We Do? (20 min)
Age, Race and screening (Redman’s “Time 4 Sumacksion”)
Lifestyle and diet?
Education Initiatives (like your barbershop initiative)
Our Community (Science, our (Black and other minorities) invisible world and Wakanda)